I have the "bumps" between my breasts and up my chest to my collar bone. There are only about 5-6 of them, and they range from the size of the tip of a pencil eraser, to the size of a nickel. They don't stick out or anything, but they are round and reddish. Idk really what they are, but they show up when I get really stressed usually, since the past year or two, and its not very often.This time though, they are staying longer and haven't gone away, and I'm not stressed at all. I am not sure whether its scars from chicken pox, or something more serious. They turn bright read in the shower. It has been harder and more painful for me to breathe, sometimes, more recently like in the past few days. I am really worried because I'm only 14 and I don't want cancer ot something. Idk if I should go see a doctor or something or go to the hospital, but I am starting to get worried. Does anyone have suggestions on what it may be?
BTW they are not itchy or anything.
Thanks for helping me.
Umm....this is weird, yet it worries me??paramount theater
regardless of what anyone says to you here, no one can diagnose it without seeing it. So there is really no point waiting for more answers, you should make an appointment with a doctor! No one should diagnose themselves on the internet, least of all on a chat site regarding a condition you believe could be potentially serious. If you are really worried, its better to be safe than sorry, and you get your parents to make an appointment for you with a doctor.
Umm....this is weird, yet it worries me??theatre opera theater
It could be some kind of allergy. I'd make a doctor's appointment to ask about it.
you need to go and see a Doctor.
You shouldn't be telling us this on yahoo, you should be telliing a doctor! At least just to make sure. It is better to be safe than sorry. So book an appointment. It may be really minor, but theres a chance it could be serious. Please take my advice and good luck...
Hey, umm if I would recomend telling you're parents, and having them set up a doctors appointment for you... it *could* be serious... but it's not likely. I would just recommend going to a doctor JUST to be sure. :-)
Am I the only goof, that sees something wrong with the trend of answers here? She's 14 for god sake. She should have gone to her parents first. Everyone( except 3-4 of you) said go to the doctor. How is she supposed to do that? walk? God put parent on the earth for a reason. Come on people!!
uhm duh theyre acne!!!! ur only 14 chick
its hives..your stressed
Go to the doctor tomorrow. But if you can't breathe, go to the hospital tonight.
At first they sounded like boils or a rash like from an allergic reaction. But if you can't breathe, it sounds more serious. Unless of course you can't breathe because you are panicking.
go to dr.
Darling...Tell your parent as soon as possible....and let them get to a doctor, to make sure its not cancer. You want to make sure and do not let this go unchecked! If anything is ever abnormal and irregular then you should always get it checked out.
I have no idea what they could be, I would suggest going to a doctor.
They might have to run some tests to make sure that whatever it is isnt harmful to you.
Hives. Get a new antihistamine.
i'm gonna have to see a picture.....lol
See the DR. if your worried. It could be a wide range of things from ringworm to hives to zits. Your breathing probs. could be related or could be something else such as an anxiety attack or asthma. Only a Dr. can tell you for sure sweetie...
Dermatologist, need pic
It doesn't sound like cancer, so don't worry about that. I would say it sounds like some type of alergy. Do you get them in a particular time of year? When I was kid I broke out in lumps which sound the same as yours, and when I saw the doctor they thought it was an alergy and I only ever got them in Spring %26amp; Summer. Good Luck and try not to worry!
I was going to say pimples, but if you can't breathe, get that checked ASAP
i say play it safe and see the doctor
Sounds like a rash or a skin irritation. Go see a doctor.
if anything get , go see a doctor.
go and see your doctor..
i guess you wont be 'cutie 4 eva' afterall.
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