It's not that time of the month - so please don't suggest I have PMS.
For the past month i have been very sad. I'm getting stressed a lot, and everything always seems like it's too much. one tiny thing sets me off, then i'm a wreck for hours. I'm also having terrible luck - bad things just keep happening: grandparents dying, injury, fights with friends, fights with parents, work issues, car accidents, getting sick... etc.. etc... and i just lose it. When i start crying, i can't stop. And it's hysterical sad crying. I've made myself throw up from crying so much.
I take it out on the people i love most. I act normal with nearly everyone, but as soon as i'm around my parents/boyfriend i just turn sour and am in a terrible mood. i can't smile or laugh. nothing is amusing - all i want to do is simmer. please help me. i'm sick of feeling so helpless.
I can't stop crying. Is there something really wrong?tickets
Take is easy on yourself. Bad things tend to happen in multiples for some reason. This WILL pass. The sunshine is around the corner.
Try to do things that you enjoy to take your mind off things!
I hope you feel better, hang in there. Email me if you ever want to vent :)
I can't stop crying. Is there something really wrong?ballet opera theater
Oh, I know just how you feel. You're just going through a mild blues/depression. Just take it easy is all I can say..
ya every one goes threw what your going threw now it was prolly caused by somthing major that maid you upset and there for the domino effect came into place like the others have said try to talk to some one about your problems and try to let go of the small things or things you cant change hope you start to feel better soon good luck
In spite of your protest that it's not a woman's problem, bear in mind that we often cry for no reason when there's a disturbance in the utertus. It's worth seeing your GP - tell her you cry all the time - ("could it be - well, fibroids or something?"). Start there.
You may have an unsatsifactory life. You could deal with that later?
yeah i know what you mean.. i sometimes just burst out crying and i dont know why im crying but am just a wreck it happens like every month and its not when the time of month arrives.. i just think that things are just coming all at once and thats just how you are handling it
YOU have been through a lot, so it's not unusual that you would feel emotional and sad. You are most safe with your loved ones, so you show them your moody side.
You may be in a "depressive" state at this point, so go and see a mental health professional. You need someone to help you sort through all this and provide some support. It's often hard to get that from friends and family, especially if they see you in a terrible mood.
it doesn't sound like something you will come out of on your own.
Please talk to someone. Meds may make it easier to get through some of the bad things and help you get back to normal. Feeling helpless is a very painful way to live. And crying so much suggests you need to see a therapist for evaluation.
Just keep doing what you are doing now. Keep writing out your feelings and let your frustrations out. You can also try going somewhere remote with nobody around and scream at the top of your lungs. I like to yell "SAIYONARAAA" :-). I know, it means goodbye, which doesn't make any sense, but it makes me feel good.
Please talk to your physician. You could be clinically depressed. Stress can bring on depression or simple illness. You have been through a lot and it is very possible that medication may help, your doctor will know. Your taking it out on the people closest to you simply because you allow them to see your true feelings. I suffer from depression also but with medication am able to avoid the crying jags and the feelings of helplessness. Please get help.
Omg I just went through the very same thing. I just knew no one loved me and all kinds of stuff kept happening to me like you. It was like kicking me again n again when I'm down. It's called the Pity Pot! There was a lil' bird who was too small to fly South for the winter so he sat on the fence near a barn. Soon he fell asleep n fell in the cow's crap. He felt so warm and thought that he could stay in the crap until the Spring. Well the Spring came %26amp; he didn't want to come out because it kept him warm. Moral of the story is that you can stay in the crap as long as u want but pretty soon you'll start smelling and you'll decide to leave. You decide when to come out. If that doesn't work, if you simply can't do it, if you want to sleep a lot, if you isolate and don't feel like doin' anything, then there may be a problem in your system. You may have a chemical imbalance, hormones or you're pregnant! If this is true or if your moods are black n get blacker, danger danger, see a doctor now, K? I hope this is understandable, if not, email me.........tink
:( I'm sorry that u feel this way. Sounds like you need to just open up. If you don't like doing that, just do it to one person. If you don't feel that you can trust anyone you know, go to the local starbucks and rely on the kindness of strangers. All i can say is I hope you feel better soon.
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