My first prom is tomorrow %26amp; i'm so nervous cuz i dont know what to expect! I'm really nervous cuz i'm only a freshman %26amp; a really cute, popular senior asked me! I was so excited! But now i dont know what to do! I'm like deciding everything last minute %26amp; it's turning into a mess! I'm really stressed right can i jus chill out?
Omg!!?performing arts show
Don't worry. I know its hard, but it isn't going to make what happens at prom any different aside from the fact that you are going to drive yourself crazy. Just be calm and cofident. If he asked you, he probably did for a reason, and he isn't going to expect you to be perfect. I don't know how your school does it, but we went somewhere like a hotel or the art museum, and they served dinner and dessert. Then there was dancing. Nothing too major to worry about. Just relax and have a good time. It will be fun, and you should be super happy because not a lot of people get to go their freshman year!
Omg!!?opera cd opera theater
my advice is to not go since ur freshman, thats just not right, u probebly wont know anybody there either except ur date
Prom is fun, exciting, and just another way to hang out with your friends. So try to just look at it that way. You're going to look great, and you're going to have fun. Everyone does. Once you get there, everyone will be talking and laughing and that will put you more at ease. This guy obviously thinks you're cool as it you won't have to worry about trying to impress him. Just try to relax and be yourself.
dont get pressured into anything...really!!
smoke a blunt.
btw dont back out from the prom , and freind of mine asked a sophmore and when the day came she dident want to go anymore :( .
Do realize, it's not a big deal. It's just a dance, just a little more extravagent than homecoming. Be yourself, that's all you can do to impress the guy.
Plan a few things right now, your dress, your hair, your make-up, your all-around apperance. Get your crusage tommorow. Don't freak out, breathe. It's you night, just let it happen. Most great things come from kicking back.
How can you just CHILL out?!?! hmmm VALUMM or Clenazapam...Or u know drink some of that goofy juice lol But I woulden't worry about it too much Do your make up Put on a cute dress and be yourself...He asked you for a reason! DON'T WORRY!
Take a deep breathe, everything is going to be fine. Make sure you have everything you need then go to bed. There's nothing worse than an grouchy, tired, prom date!
ok, as your reading this, take a deep breath....
1 sec
2 sec
3 sec
4 sec
now exhale......
Ok, so have you decided to go with this guy? If not, YOU DEFINITELY HAVE TO!!
Yeah, I was supposed to go to the prom this year with this chik I know, but unfortunately I kinda told her she smelled... like *ss.... in front of her friends... and guess she took it the wrong way. Drama Queen.......
Don't worry it will be fun,I went to prom for the first time 3 weeks ago and I went with my boyfriend and he is a senior and it went really well!
Get a spa pedicure, read a magazine and chill. It probably won't be your last prom if you're a freshman. Make sure you have a dress, shoes, hair appointment, make-up appointment and your nails done and the guy takes care of the rest. All you have to do is show up. You're only a freshman, so don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to - remember its JUST prom.
If the prom is tomorrow I'm sure you have your dress. Just relax and have fun. Be safe.
Just go for it... do whatever your heart tells you to do. P.S Calm down and just pick out the right accseories, jewelry, makeup, etc. Pick out the stuff that matches him with you.
Since you are still a freshman you are not ready yet, I mean get to know people 1st then go for what ever it is, make sure think wisely before you make a move, otherwise it'll be tooo late for you hunny!!
Just be patient %26amp; relax o.k!!!
just be yourself. that's probably why he asked you. and relax. breathe deeply.
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