Thursday, December 10, 2009

I want to lose weight but I have a severe lack of self-discipline. Any advice?

I used to be much thinner while I was in college because I was on a very large campus and did a lot of walking. There were also a lot of gyms around with cute guys to watch while I did an hour on the boring elliptical machine. I graduated 3 years ago and have gained A LOT of weight since then. I'm a music teacher and it stresses me out so much. I have all of these performances to put on and all this pressure from parents for their teenagers to be perfect. I eat a lot of crap because I'm so stressed, and I'm so exhausted at the end of the day I'd rather veg than go and do anything. I've become rather depressed because I don't really have any friends in this new city where I work even though I've been here for 3 years. I live by myself and therefore hate cooking for just me. I'm also not a very good cook. I can see what I'm doing to myself and can see where I'm going to end up. I want to change before it's too late, but I can't seem to just do it. I'm really mad at myself.

I want to lose weight but I have a severe lack of self-discipline. Any advice?star theater

I know it is very hard. I used to not have any self-discipline as well. When i was in high school, i was thin...i loved my body...after i had my first baby i gained a lot of weight...however not enough for me to hate the way i looked. Hence, i couldn't get myself to try and eat healthy because I still like what i see.

However, after my second baby, i saw a photo of myself and that's when i didnt recognise me. So, i put a photo of myself back in high school and a photo of my fat self on the fridge, and that was enough for me to stop eating like crap.

Hope that will work for you.

I want to lose weight but I have a severe lack of self-discipline. Any advice?extension opera theater

first start with relaxing more. weight gain is triggered mostly by stress. then get rid of ALL your food. by lowfat/skim milk. fresh fruits that you like, buy whole grain everything...bagels, bread, cereals, eats LOTS of fiber...try to at least take in 20-25 grams of fiber a day (easy ways to do this on bottom) and then start just taking short walks while listening to music. exersizing will also decrease stress and help you. change the way you eat. if you eat breakfast, don't eat breakfast for a while (if this doesn't work...stop) if you don't eat breakfast eat breakfast. get lots of protein. with eggs they have fat but what i do, because the yolks are so nutritious, in a 2-3 egg omelette i only have one yolk and the other are just the whites. finally junk food can be replaced w/ more nutritional food. Low-fat everything is good, just DON'T DRINK DIET ANYTHING....there were recent studies that this actually makes you gain weight and be more HUNGRY and TIRED. here is some good foods...

-peanut butter


-POPCORN!!! (lowfat or lightly buttered)

-all fruits

-good snack food is Peanut butter and Honey (so delicious, try it!)

-whole grain crackers with peanut butter on top, with a side of APPLES (yummmm)


-Fiber one or anything you can mix w/ any drink to make it have more fiber.


-Fiber is your friend, Fat is your enemy

p.s. i lost 5 lbs in two wk by just changing the way i ate and what i ate, no exercise at all. then once i began exercise, i was starting to look good.

p.p.s lowfat/fat free tastes just as good as the regular
Self-discipline is not the primary cause of your weight gain. It is more on your self-esteem and your emotional state. I would concentrate first on your stressors and try to alleviate them by either modifying your schedules or assessing your daily activity so that you can budget your time also to regulate how you eat. If you eat on time usually your blood sugar will not have erratic changes so you won't feel much of the emotional "highs" and "lows" during the day. Just by knowing how much energy you spend on each activity, you can easily see where you can increase your food intake and of course... see where you can cut down.

First secret... Avoid getting DEPRESSED!!! you know you eat more when you're sad...Since you're a musician... Lets have more of the E,C,G based music to keep you happy :)

Listening to emo is not beneficial.. Listening to emo music while running is...You control music... not the other way around...

Second secret...water is your FRIEND and ENEMY...water is your friend when you don't eat salty foods... water becomes when you pump your intake with sodium rich foods. 70% of your body is water... when you can control your water intake and output...You control 70% of your life!!!

Last Secret...Frequency is better than Volume...I love to say that since it's punnetically inclined to music... but let's ridirect ourselves to food intake... Eat more often...but in small portions...and I didn't say eat MORE...just more often...that's curbing out your sugars through the whole day...

In summation of my advice here are the main points.

1. Be happy what ever the situation is. At least be optimistic.

2. Never be afraid to look in the mirror. Accepting what the present can lead to a better future. Take pictures while you are doing a diet/excercise program.

3. Acknowledge even the small details of weight loss.

4 Time will be always on your side...

5. Manage your water because water is weight...

6 Hoodia, Hoodia , Hoodia
try pills if you don't want to exercise or change or eating habits

xanidrine (spelling) worked for me i lost about 30 lbs. it makes it so youre not hungry, but still have energy,cause each pill has like 200 mg of caffeine. makes you kinda hyper, drink alot of water with it and it pushes everything out of your system.
Get the total gym! I just start using it about a month ago it is great. And as far as self-discipline you just have to want it. Good luck to you
You can always make up excuses for anything you don't want to do. The only thing you need to do is quit making excuses for yourself and just do it. All the weight loss information available online, on TV and everywhere else doesn't work for you because you make up excuses as to why it doesn't. That's your problem.
I can't help you. I'm the same way. I'm trying to loose weight, but I don't have ANY self-discipline....Sad isn't it?? Just try your best..
Eat veggies, fruits, lean meats %26amp; whole grains. Eat a good breakfast, keep healthy snacks at hand, eat a healthy lunch and a light, early dinner. Drink more water! No sugary drinks (sodas, teas, etc)! Use sugar substitutes or stick to water!

But, you know most of this already don't you. This is more about getting back on track than not knowing what to do. You and I are in very similar places, fitness wise.

I ditched drinking pop about 2 years ago. I ditched most fried foods (mostly french fries %26amp; onion rings) at about the same time. Now I buy smarter foods - whole wheat breads, preserves, and lots of bags of frozen veggies that I stir fry with my boneless, skinless chicken. I also make quick salads with light dressing.

I read labels on food and back off of those things that are 'over the line'.

I drink water or water substitutes (sugar free KoolAid, Propel Fitness Water) and I drink Lite Apple Juice or Orange Juice with pulp. And, 2% milk with my unfrosted cereals. Keep variety in your diet. But, change your diet! Take small steps, remove something bad %26amp; replace it with something good.

Eat smart: A good breakfast, smart snacks (you know what they are), decent lunch that will keep your energy levels, smart snacks and a light, early dinner. Yes, I'm saying this twice for reinforcement! If you need a snack before bed - eat veggies or fruit! Drink Water!

Get back into walking. Park away from doors %26amp; walk the distance - take the stairs - bring sweats %26amp; walk the track at work before going home. If you can't walk after work, get up earlier and walk before work, then shower, then go to work. Set the routine, keep the routine, even if you don't 'feel' like it - go %26amp; walk half the distance, you'll still feel better for it.

You know all this stuff ... you know you do. It's a matter of making the choice to take control of the stress, the schedule %26amp; your life and do what you want with it. Changing your diet will help, light exercise will help more, find those things that you used to do and love and start putting them back into your life. Your the music teacher - you set the tempo, you set the tone, they're your projects - you be the boss!
I found that not eating after a certain time a night helps. Walking is a plus. Drinking alot of water helps too. Make your portions at meal times smaller and try not to eat alot of junk food. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
this is strange.

I am in college and GAIN alot of weight.

whenever I leave college for the summer I LOSE alot.

but my tips are,

take it easy,

think in terms of 6 wks.

work out once a week for two weeks and then add another day every 2 weeks. that way you will gradually build up.

simple walking, jumping rope in your room or my favorite

dancing silly to music is a wonderfull way to melt lbs.
I don't blame you for being mad at yourself, I would be too. Exercise will set in motion a positive feedback loop... force yourself to start; it will increase your energy and make you feel better and fire up the weight loss thing, which if you keep at it will have tremendous benefits over the long term. Or do none of the above and stay miserable, it's your life and you're free to do as you choose.
drink heavily. you won't notice the rest. have to really want it. Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and in shape. We can all blame stress but thats not the real reason. You are probably eating to comfort yourself.. I know its hard, been there, done that myself. I really really want to lose weight so I just stopped making excuses for myself and did it..I feel fantastic. I too am alone and hated cooking for myself but once you start it feels great. Good luck to you, wish you the best :)
i take hoodia. here is a link to more info abut it
Are you and me identical twins? We are going through the EXACT same thing right now. I am in the EXACT same situation.(out of college, new city, stressful job, no time to lose weight) Anyway, I have gained a lot of weight too and am not motivitated AT ALL in trying to lose it, esp. that it's winter! But Ive lost weight before-30 pounds in 3 months-and know I can do it again. This is what I have decided to do.

I am taking things STEP by STEP. Very slowly. I am first cutting out any drink that's not WATER out of my diet. I did this when I last tried to lose weight and ended up losing 10 pounds just by cutting out pop, coffee, iced tea, liquor, lemonade, etc. out of my diet.

Then I am going to work on my diet. Im like you, I dont have the time or energy to cook healthy meals for myself. But Im going to try to eat healthy, just by doing little things, like not getting chips with my sandwich at Subway. Im going to buy healthy snacks to store in my fridge at work, like yogurt and fruits, etc. Im going to try to eat at least one snack a day while Im at work.

As for working out, Im pretty good about this. I go to a local health club and do their classes a few times a week. But I really need to step it up, so Im going to start lifting heavier weights and working out more often and with a higher intensity, and going more often.

Anyway, like I said-Im starting off slow. But after going shopping this weekend and realizing my fat *** cant fit into anything I used to-Im more determined than ever. Plus I want to look hot on New Years.

Anyway, good luck! We can do this!
Hey cool it . I do agree with you about the stress but not with your attitude towards your health.

we all tend to eat more and fast without chewing properly which is the main reason we do put on weight . So to start with why don't you chew your food ,that each morsel at least 30 to 40 times and only then swallow,mind you this info is out of my personnel experience and only eat when you really feel hungry and in small quantities.and drink a lot of water too.This type of eating habit will not only reduce your hunger but also reduce the fat content in your body.You should also participate in the gym activities to stay in good health and maintain a trim body so that the guy's can continue watch you ,which you like I suppose and which is natural for all(both parties)Guys %26amp; Gals.wishing you all the luck in this difficult eating procidure ,make it an habit and you will not regret I promise.
drink a lot of coffee and fidget a lot--tapping toes and feet, drumming hands.

All that little motion adds up.

If you are depressed try riding a bike around the city, you'll burn calories and the exercise will cheer you will also meet people.

but still fidget.
one thing that has been realllly effective for me is simply changing the way i grocery shop. don't keep fatty snacks (ho-ho's, potato chips) in your almonds, raisins, low-fat popcorn, pretzels, etc. to snack on. by not having it in your cupboard, you can't eat it! also change to skim milk and low-fat meat cuts (but the lean ground beef instead of the fatty juicy stuff, i swear it's as good). for dessert, eat fruit or a cup of tea/hot chocolate or have some sorbet. once your diet changes, you'll notice you feel better and you will most likely start to lose some pounds. this should motivate you to get out of the house more and then once you get back into an exercise routine you'll really see a difference.

The key is to take it one step at a time, then it doesn't klook like a big task that's "not worth it." first, small changes in the diet, then, more physical activity. if you can, get a friend to join a gym with's always more motivating to have someone to talk to or just to push you to go!


I have hypothyroidism. I've had it for a couple of years, and these are the things that I'm having:

1. I'm naturally skinning and I'm starting to gain weight.

2. I'm getting stressed easily and depressed

3. Before I got the disease, I used to be really outgoing, then when I got it and after, I became kind of shy and quiet.

4. I feel cold a lot like when I eat cereal, and also I can feel cold when others can't.

5. I feel tired, depressed, and stressed kind of often.


7. Hair loss when I straighten and after I shampoo.

8. My hair isn't naturally coarse, but it's getting that way, and it's also thinning.

9. I get poor sleep.

10. I'm bad at relaxing.

11. Memory problems.

Are there any other symptoms that hypothryoidism cause? I'm really concerned about this, so thanks a lot.

Hypothyroidism?opera songs

Early symptoms:

* Poor muscle tone (muscle hypotonia)

* Fatigue

* Cold intolerance, increased sensitivity to cold

* Constipation

* Weight gain

* Muscle cramps and joint pain

* Thin, Brittle fingernails

* Thin, brittle hair

* Paleness

Late symptoms:

* Slowed speech and a hoarse, breaking voice. Deepening of the voice can also be noticed.

* Dry puffy skin, especially on the face

* Thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows

* Abnormal menstrual cycles

* Low basal body temperature

Less common symptoms:

* Heat intolerance, increased sensitivity to heat

* Impaired memory

* Impaired cognitive function (brain fog) and inattentiveness

* Urticaria (hives)

* Migraine headache

* A slow heart rate with ECG changes including low voltage signals. Diminished cardiac output and decreased contractility.

* Reactive (or post-prandial) hypoglycemia[8]

* Pericardial effusions may occur.

* Sluggish reflexes

* hair loss

* Anemia caused by impaired hemoglobin synthesis (decreased EPO levels), impaired intestinal iron and folate absorption or B12 deficiency from pernicious anemia

* anxiety/panic attacks

* difficulty swallowing

* Shortness of breath with a shallow and slow respiratory pattern.

* Impaired ventilatory responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia.

* Increased need for sleep

* Osteopenia or Osteoporosis

* Irritability and mood instability

* Yellowing of the skin due to impaired conversion of beta-carotene to vitamin A

* Impaired renal function with decreased GFR.

* Thin, fragile or absent cuticles

* Elevated serum cholesterol

* Acute psychosis (myxedema madness) is a rare presentation of hypothyroidism

* Decreased libido

* Decreased sense of taste and smell (late, less common symptoms)

* Puffy face, hands and feet (late, less common symptoms)

Those are all the symptomes that it may cause. I use to have Hyperthyroidism , So went to the endocrinologist, he did several TSH tests, even the radiactive iodide test, which tells the doctor if this disorder is caused by a virus.

If it is, ur lucky, When that happens, you would have 3 months of hyperthyroidism(high T3 levels) and then 2 months of normal T3 levels and then 3 months of hypothyroidism(low T3 ), then you will have normal T3 for ever. If its not the virus, you will have to deal with this problem for the rest of your life. Its not that dangerous as long as you take the medication or what ever that is prescribed by your doctor. luckily for me, i was affected by the Virus, and im totally normal now!

If u haven't so, ask your doctor to refer you to an endocrinologist.

Hypothyroidism?secure browser opera theater

How old are you? Are you taking medication for this?
Sounds like you aren't converting enough T4 into T3. You might do better with a T4/T3 medication like Armour getting the dosage adusted by free t4 and free t3, not by TSH.

The T3 in Armour helps with symptoms such as fatigue, depression, hairloss, brain fog, and muscle and joint aches.
You are practically a text book!

I think no1 has listed it all....

Has he mentioned itchyskin is another common symptom.

If you are properly medicated you should be able to manage this.

Why have you had this for so long and it continue to deteriorate.

Have you seen your GP or self diagnosed it?

You should get it properly managed it can lead to a whole load of other health problems.
I don't know much about this condition, but I have to tell you that you shouldn't expect to get rid of each one of this problems once the disease is treated. Some of them may not be related to Hypothyroidism at all.

How do i overcome my sadness?

I feel no one really cares. I don't have enough money to move away from all the people who are negative to me. I can't find a job because I'm always sad. My boyfriend/baby daddy acts like I'm worthless and he calls me hoes and crazy b's. I gave him alot of my money so I'm broke. I'm trying to prove to everyone that I am going to be better than others by going to college, but they still act like I'm not going to succeed. I regret so much in my life. I want to just take me and my daughter and get away from all these people in my family. They aren't even family to me any more. I'm so stressed I'm beginning not to handle this chaotic house anymore. Should I just pack up my things and go to a homeless shelter?

How do i overcome my sadness?opera cd


How do i overcome my sadness?opera singer opera theater

im sorry for what you are going through but sweety try to be strong. i know you are since you are putting up with this. what you can do is try to be selfish and still think of your daughter. try getting a job but just think about you needing the money for you and your daughter that should make you smile. save money and wait until your daughter is a little bit older and then start taking classes little by little. take your time and be patience and srong, remember your daughter needs you. take care!!
A homeless shelter is to provide a safe and stable place for you and /or your can also offer you free counseling.If that's what you need than yes,they also might be able to refer you to other agency that could help.
I think that you should seek a counselor and then you should try to prove everyone in your family wrong and succeed. I think that you can do anything if you put your mind to it and you really want it.
it sounds like you ve lost who you are.a wife a mother a cleaner etc.but who are you what makes you happy what things do you want to do.there are organisations to help you with the children so you can have some time to find yourself as for your husband or partner your self esteem is already low hes not helping.i feel if you move away on impulse you may still carry all this negativity you have with you try to get some respite from the house so you can think things through then if you still feel its time to leave you will do it with the true knowledge that its for the best good luck with your bright happy future choices are the key make wise ones.oh and never regret anything try to learn from it.

I have a big problem....?

I know this isn't really a question I would just like people's opinions. And I know this probably dosn't belong in this section but I am pregnant.

I have a huge gambling problem. I'm a little over $8000.00 in debt and I'm so stressed out. I'm pregnant and I have no money saved and I have this huge debt. I want to try to make myself a better person and save and get out of debt but I don't have much time left. Every time I save something I end up at the casino. I know it seems as simple as 'just don't go' but it's a huge addiction i'm struggling with. I called the help line and they have this session you can go to but it's during my work schedule and I can't take time off right now. I am just so stressed out, I am not sure what to do and I wake up feeling sick to my stomach every morning and all day stressed about how I am going to deal with this. I just feel like i've hit rock bottom and I have no where to turn. It just feels like no matter what I do, nothing will help.

I have a big problem....?chicago theater

If your serious you can have your name and picture given to the casinos in your area and they wont let you gamble any more.... They are not put where every one can see them, and if your to embarrassed have a friend do it.... There are also groups for you similar to AAA good luck....

I have a big problem....?met opera opera theater

have you tried talking to a salvation army in your area? they know all sorts of things to help you out. sorry about your situation, hope things turn out better for you!
Gambling is a serious addiction. You will need help to overcome your urges and to get your finances straight. Start by checking with your states lottery commission, as they have counseling and info available. There are also 12 step programs like Gambler's Anonymous.

Look for credit or financial help through your local Catholic Services.

With support and the will to succeed you can make a new start for you and your child.

Good Luck.
What about having a family member help you out... Instead of you saving money... Give it to someone you trust to save it for you... I'd tell you to put it in the bank but you'd go take it out... I give my grandmother money every week... That's my way of saving... Although I know it gets pretty rough sometimes to try and get money from where you know you have it but... If you explain your situation to your family member (you don't necessarily have to tell them you're addicted to gambling), Just simply telling them that you wanna save money for the baby and that you don't trust yourself to do so... So you'd rather have someone save it for you and that it would be a great help to you... That's what I'd do... Good Luck...
i would try to find a local group you can go to after your work hours to get help and if they dont have one in your area then make it so when you go to the casino they dont let you in...have them copy your photo ID and have them make sure whoever is on guard checking ID's that they have your photo on hand...good luck... hope you get help soon
Oh.. i'm so sorry!!.. But i'm sure as soon as you see your baby you will want to have everything for him, %26amp; you will forget all about casinos %26amp; gambling..

i can't think of anything to say but i will be praying for you, i promise %26amp; you will get out of this..

God Bless
As much as I want to say "oops", I know that that isn't going to help you at all....what I can suggest is this....are you making enough money at your current job to where you wouldn't qualify for unemployment benefits? I know that it's a far fetch, but if you qualify, then you could get a little more money each week or month or whatever and save that and put it towards your debt. Also, see about any unclaimed money in your state by going to the court house and asking (I think that that's where you would go) or looking in the paper. I would say to pick up a second job but I can assume that you already are working hard enough as it is, esp. being pregnant, to want to do that or even be able to....I would look around to see about getting as much baby stuff as you can for free to save you money on that end to save up to pay for your debt. I know that you already know that you need to stay away from the casinos so I won't tell you that. If you told me the city/town and state that you live in I could do some research for you as I don't have a job at all (I'm pregnant with twins as you know) and my husband doesn't want me working for a while I have lots of time on my hands. Hit me up, email me sometime, and I can see how much I can help you out I said, I have loads of time (7 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday) of time alone while he works....having something to do besides surf the internet aimlessly would be a good thing for holler if you want to!!
The only thing that I can think of is getting yourself a personal "Probation Officer". Somebody close to you that you can trust to help you handle your money. There is no way you are going to do it on your own. When I was younger and didn't have too many bills, instead of blowing the money I would give it to my Mom to hold. And when I needed some she would be totally strict, like "what do you need it for?" I would have to justify my reasons for the money use and prove to her what I used it for. It may sound too simple, but it worked. I managed to put enough money down for a brand new truck........which I still own by the way. And I love it and 20 years from now I will still have it because I worked so hard for it and that was my first lesson in money handling.

Think of all the things you could get for your baby with the money you save. Or think if Lord forbid your baby gets ill and you need hundreds of dollars to pay medical bills, what to do then?

I wish you the best of luck and congratulations on your pregnancy!!
I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. It can't be easy to battle this type of addiction and to be pregnant at the same time. I will not patronize you and tell you that you should not go to Casinos. You already know that. Have you checked out Gamblers Anonymous? It's a 12-step program, similar to AA. Another step you could take is to ask the local casinos to blacklist you, or place you on their list of unwelcome guests. If you do this, they often will accomodate you,and if you go there, they will ask you to leave. Finally, I am assuming that you are seeing medical professionals on a regular basis for your pregnancy. You need to ask your mid-wife or gynocologist for help, and they may be able to refer you to some local resources, as well.

Best wishes in dealing with this. Please act now, before your debt reaches insurmountable levels.
It's a vicious circle, isn't it?

First, as other people have said, check out Gamblers Anonymous. It will help you through the dark times when the proverbial spirit is willing but flesh is weak

Second, find out if Dave Ramsey's radio show is carried in your area. I usually don't push those sort of things but my father-in-law told my husband and me about it when we got engaged and it has helped us keep on track financially and clear up the debt my husband came into the marriage with. The radio program is often carried on Christian radio stations (kind of a turn-off for me) but don't let that stop you. He also has programs offered through churches and community organizations called Financial Peace University that can help you get out of debt and build some savings. I've checked out his books from libraries and I haven't been impressed, but his radio show is free.

Please check back soon and tell us how you're doing. :-)
tell the man who got you pregnant to help you
Is it possible the stresses of being pregnant is driving you to do compulsive behavior (like gambling).

Do you have a husband? Or at least a boyfriend who will really be there for you and help you and your child? (Somehow I"m guessing no to both).

You've cut off a lot for yourself to take care of. Obviously gambling has to stop now! Then you can address the other problems and stresses in your life. Your child won't be helped any by you being on welfare or having all your possessions repo'd (and they will). Best luck and God bless. David.

Changing of period?

does your period change if you start having sex?

and i had unprotected sex a few times, but we would only do it for like 30 seconds unprotected, he didn't come inside me or anything and i'm like 4 days late on my period and i'm really stressed about it like i think about it all the time if i'm pregnant or not which everyone keeps saying i'm not and i even had a dream about me taking a pregnancy test which came out negative.. but it makes me so stressed, could this be why i'm late for my period? how can i make my period come? and please don't lecture me about having sex, i'm 18 and i don't do unprotected anymore.

Changing of period?theater seating

You could be late because of the stress but you could also be late because you're pregnant. Mine came 2 weeks late one time because of the stress I was going through. He doesn't have to *** in you for you to become pregnant. You can get pregnant from precum. You should take a test to be sure.

Changing of period?lyric opera opera theater

Stress can delay a period. (It is possible, rare but possible, to get pregnant from unprotected sex)

PLEEASE help, homeschooled and behind!?!?

i'm 15, 10th grade. i feel overloaded with school work because i fell behind, from things happening in my family, such as my family taking in my cousin, and me, mentally. i am bipolar, and have racing thoughts, can't sit still, get manic highs, and manic lows, and have a hard time getting to sleep at night. i have a hard time sitting down and focusing on one thing. i'm having a real hard time with biology, i don't understand what the book is trying to teach me, and i have a hard time with algebra, but i'm getting help there. but i feel stupid because i just can't do anything. please don't say go back to public school, because thats where i got my problems, and i'm not going back to that torture chamber. but am i stupid, or is there something wrong with me? how can i be able to concentrate, and catch up? PLEEASE help, i really need it, i'm SO stressed, i'm in tears constantly, please help, thnx!!!



PLEEASE help, homeschooled and behind!?!?comedy show

Maybe you're trying to do too much at once and should put a few subjects aside so you can focus. Make a list of the topics from your biology book that you need to cover, then head for the library. You might find that reading other books will help. Start off with the easy kiddie books, then when you're comfortable with that information, read some that are aimed at an older age. Each one will build on what you know already. The important part is the content. It doesn't matter which book it comes out of. I assume you are supposed to be answering questions from your text book. If you've learned properly from somewhere else, you'll still be able to come back and answer those particular questions. Start off with the topics that seem most relevent to you, then move on to those that seem trickier. For example, start off with the human body, then move onto other mammals, then other animals, then plants. Start planting a garden. The plant kingdom will seem more relevent if you can compare what you are learning from the books with what you can observe in your gardening. You may have a community garden close by where you'll find someone who can explain those things to you.

PLEEASE help, homeschooled and behind!?!?greek theater opera theater

Your parents need to intervene here.

You shouldnt be feeling this overwhemled.

Are they leaving you to learn by yourself?

Maybe they should consider getting you a private tutor, to get you back on track?
The truth is that not everyone is good at everything. Your weakness is biology and algebra. My weakness is chemistry I can't do chemistry for the life of me. so don't get too upset algebra and biology are hard, they are tough subjects, and maybe they just aren't your subjects. My best advice is try the best you can to get through them, even maybe get a tutor to help.
Are you taking any medication to help even things out with the bipolar disorder? If you can't slow down your thoughts to focus, you are going to continue to have problems. I also agree with the person that said to put aside a couple of subjects for now and focus on just one that you find difficult. Algebra is a process and once you learn the basics of that process, they just build on it. If you can grasp Algebra, it will help you immensely in your other math subjects over the next couple of years. I wish I could offer you more help than that, but I don't know much about bipolar. I do know that taking the right meds at the right dosage can help a lot and if you're not happy with how you are feeling, go to the doc and tell them. Without proper treatment, that will continue to interfere with your life. I wish you the best of luck. has an interactive tutorial you could use as a resource to help you achieve clarity. It is really cool because you can just go over it as many times as you need to, and you can read the info and hear it at the same time, which helps some people retain information.
I am also homeschooled. You don't need to feel alone. Two years ago my parents decided to take me out of public school and now I am in 8th grade.

The same thing also happens to me. I feel overworked, distracted, and hopeless. You are NOT alone. What helps me get through it is talking to otherr homeschoolers. My best friend is homeschooled too, and I talk to her about it. Do you have a friend that you can talk to?

I also went through a period where I was depressed from itt. I was always in my room crying and thinking about my hoplessness. It's OK to feel this way. I am now over those feelings though. Just focus on the positives.

Only a liitle while longer and you'll be done with yet another year. and, 2 more years and you'll be graduated. Just cuz you are having a hard time in something, it is not the end of the world!

Good Luck. And Stay positive!!
CALM DOWN sweetie. You need to see a counselor ASAP to help you get a grip and then you need to realize that while it is GOOD to advance, part of the beauty of homeschool is that you can also take MORE time if you want/need it. Let me know if I can help you, I homeschool my kids-it is OK to be ahead in some areas, but it is also OK to take a break and center yourself- PLEASE do not push yourself to breaking
When you are stressed and anxious your brain can not work efficiently and learning is more difficult. You are not stupid, you are just momentarily overwhelmed. Don't worry about how long it takes to catch up. If you take it a little bit at a time you will slowly and steadily get to where you want to be. It is not a race! Work on your problems, let your home life settle down a little, and everything will get much, much easier.

The site that the pp mentioned is great, check it out!
What you described sounded very familiar to me. Although I also suffer from depression and anxiety disorders, when i was medicated for those alone my symptoms did not go away. I learned later on that I was ADD/ADHD. Many people think of ADD as just hyper, bad kids. I was always very well behaved and got good grades. However, I was never able to focus on anything. Ask your parents to take you to a psychologist to be screened for ADD.
You are home schooling, so how can you be behind?

You can work at your own pace, and adjust it to the changing needs that may arise.

Home schooling is all about individual attention, slowing down when needed, and focusing on the area's that need extra attention.

I would recommend taking a break, take a deep breath, re-evaluate and set up a schedule that will help you get back on track.

Even if it takes you five years to finish your high school program that is okay.

I would not tell you to go back to public school, that would defeat the whole purpose of getting you a program/schedule that is solely tailored to you, and your special needs.

Have your family help you set this up, or get someone to work on it with you until you feel comfortable enough to take charge of it yourself again.

You can also look into taking classes at a alternative school, or community college for the subjects that you need extra help with, many home schooled students take such classes while finishing their high school course work.
I know how you feel....been there.....send me an e-mail and tell me what you're working on right now. I'll do what I can to help out. Will be up for a little bit longer tonight, and back tomorrow.

24/7 Palpitations?

It never ceased to creep me out. I'm a melancholic so it's natural for me to be stressful, but there are moments when I'm not stressed and I still feel the palpitations . . . Weird? What's more amusing is that I've had it since I was fifteen. A few years have passed since then. And I normally do not intake caffeine, unless you include tea. I never drink coffee.

It's weird because I feel as though something's wrong with my heart and I'm eventually gonna have a heart failure (at the merciful age of se--I mean, eighteen).

Which also reminds me that I visited my family doctor concerning this issue approx. 8-9 months ago, and all that was said to me is that it's nothing to worry about. However, I only undergone one simple pulse test. I'm not exactly saying that I do not trust the words of a doctor. But in the end I'm an individual with little assurance of words spoken by only one person.

I'm sorry to trouble ye, dear members of this cute community. And thank you in advance.

24/7 Palpitations?getting late

Do you smoke? I had the palpitations, mine were totally down to smoking and caffeine

Safe limits of caffeine are thought to be 250-500mg per day. 1 cup of tea is between 85-100mg per mug. Coca cola is about 36mg per can. Coffee can be up to 210mg per mug.

Try cutting down the caffeine and if you smoke wean off them and see if this helps.

They can also be down to increased levels of adrenaline, this can be linked to stress and anxiety (both reactions produce excess adrenaline)

24/7 Palpitations?regal theater opera theater

I get them aswell sometimes it feels like they are coming all the time and then some days i get none at all.I have been told my heart is healthy but that does not help me freaking out.I dont drink or smoke and dont drink coffee so i would like to know what causes them, they a pain in the bum.
Your heart is beating occasionally in the wrong chamber and feels like it's missing a beat.

Don't worry you'll live, i know it hard to concentrate when get bad
It is not uncommon for some people to have a "skipped-heartbeat" once in a while. However, it should not be happening all the time, nor should you ignore your condition. You need to have a 12-lead EKG test done at the doctor. That is the one where they hook up the electrical leads to your chest and watch the heart's electrical activity. If your doctor won't do it, ask them to recommend someone who will.
Palpitations can be caused by anxiety (even when your head does not seem anxious or stressed).

It's not uncommon to get palpitatations when you are ready to lay down for the night.

If you are on any medication, this can also be a side effect.

The only sure fire way to determine if it has a medical basis, is to get a workup. Years ago I had palpitations and I was told all the time it was stress. I didn't feel stressed.

After I had an echocardiagram it was determined I had a MVP (Mitral Valve Prolapse) as millions of people do. It's pretty common.

But, at 18 in good health---you may not get a cardiologist to run all of these expensive tests.

Prior to the MVP diagnosis I was put on Inderal and to this day I am still on it.
Eat fewer cheeseburgers %26amp; fries.
A deficiency in vitamin B12 will produce symptoms such as heart palpitations and chest pains,excessive sweating, excessive urination and dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, headaches and migraines, fatigue and exhaustion, dizzy spells, fainting and loss of balance, depression, tingling and prickling and numbing sensations in the outer extremities, insomnia and constipation, irritability and moodiness and an inability to think clearly ....Quite scary actually if you don't realise the vitamin factor.

Eat more foods rich in this vitamin ie: organ meats such as lambs fry and kidneys, skimmed milks and cheeses, fish and eggs.

If you are lactose intolerant or vegetarian then it is really important that you supplement your diet with a multi B complex tablet on a daily basis.

Things that could be robbing you of your precious B complex of vitamins are :- eating too much protein, alcohol, eating too much tinned food, antiobiotics, antidepressants, penicillin, prednisone and aspirin.

Also, try to cut back on drinks such as caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks as they are all B complex thieves.

Take a multi B complex tablet including all the B's ie: B1, B2 B3, B5, B6 and B12 as they work best synergistically (together).

The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning.

The B complex of vitamins is a water soluble complex and as such our bodies can neither store or produce them. Therefore we need to ingest them on a daily basis or suffer the consequences as you unfortunately are......... a good point to make here is that if you are deficient in vitamin B12 you would therefore also be deficient in iron as iron also needs vitamin B12 to be properly assimilated by the body and hence you would be displaying iron deficiency anemia symptoms ie; fatigue and exhaustion.

When you take your daily supplement ensure that you take it with some type of calcium rich food ie: low fat cheese or milk or a calcium supplement as B12 needs calcium to be properly assimilated by the body........... ensure you also get enough sunshine (vitamin D) or eat cold water fishes such as tuna, salmon, sardines and whiting as calcium needs enough vitamin D to be effectively absorbed!! quite a handfull of information here ........ sorry it's a bit long winded but you need to know all this.

When our bodies are placed under added stress such as sickness, relationship dramas, new job, school studies or just daily life really, the B complex of vitamins are usually the first group to get used up and we therefore need to adjust our intake accordingly.

When you are getting any stress related symptoms or any of the above mentioned symptoms simply take another B tablet. As they are water soluble our bodies will simply excrete any excess in our urine.

Drink loads of fresh filtered water too as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one.

Good health to you ?


you are troubling anyone,i used to get them all the time i thought i was layed back,they would just come on,it did used to worry me and thought i was going to have a heart atack,there is a differnce from palpitations and fast heart rate i had both,i went for all the heart tests when my heart used to go at 200 beats a min,this wasnt all the time maybe once every month or so,that was diagnosed as svt which is serious if it is supriventical tachacadia,the palpitations are completly different they can be caused by stress being tierd,caffine enen in tea i went on decafe, alcohol ,medication also menopause palpatations arnt serious your pulse can feel iregula i do know how you feel i still can get them now when i am tierd i went on the net when i had answered the questio and got this information for you

The heart needs its normal environment to work well. If there are changes within or outside of the body, the heart's electrical system can be affected.

From within the body, abnormal levels of electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and calcium can cause palpitations. Anemia and hyperthyroidism are also a potential causes of palpitations.

We live in a very chemical world, and many of the substances we put into our body appear to be adrenalin to the heart, and thus makes it irritable. Common stimulants include:




over the counter medications: pseudoephedrine found in cold preparations and some herbal medications, including ma huang

illicit drugs, cocaine being the most prevalent, although PCP and marijuana, among others, can cause palpitations as well.

The use of some prescription medications needs to be monitored, since their side effects can cause palpitations. Asthma medications like albuterol inhalers or theophylline and thyroid replacement medications are common causes of palpitations.

Times of stress can increase adrenalin levels in the body and cause rapid heart beats. These are physiologic and may be due to exercise, , or emotional stressors.

hope this helps you

all the best
I had palpitations too, for years. I even ended up having an operation that didn't help. Then I discovered that if I take the food supplement magnesium every day (and take care what I eat), I have no more trouble. Doctors should know about this, but usually don't.

Other than that I would take a good multi vitamin and mineral supplement and eat healthy food.

Try decaffinated tea and to stay off chocolate and licorice.
