Me and my husband been having unprotected sex, because we want a family, but he says he has low sperm count. I'm a week late on my period, normal cycle for the most part. I feel a discomfort laying on my stomach lately. I had clear discharge and now I have a white creamy discharge. My breast have been sore. Really emotional, happy, then sad, and later pissed off. But then again I don't know if I'm late because I'm unconsciously stressing because my husband's up coming deployment and just PMS-ing really bad. Because I haven't felt nauseous, but I felt the urge to burp and instead felt my breakfast in my throat. I had minor stomach cramps yesterday. We live off post in Germany and don't a car so it's kind of difficult to get to the store for a pg test. I'm just want an opinion or if this is normal or something, because I've never been pregnant!!!
Could you be pregnant even if you don't feel nauseous?classical music
A lot of women never experience the nausea connected to morning sickness. And on the other hand, some women experience nausea and vomitting the whole nine months (five times a day every day it sucked). Allof your other symptoms sound like you're pregnant. I would try to get a pregnancy test. If you live on base, there's a hospital. Go to the doctor at the military clinic or hospital on base, it's covered under military insurance, and it's free too! Since you live off base as I just saw, maybe you could go with him when he has duty tomorrow or whenever and just spend the day on base, go to the doctor, then do some duty-free shopping. lol. Good luck and God bless.
Could you be pregnant even if you don't feel nauseous?ms stress opera theater
yes. Not all women get sick. My mother wasn't sick ever when pregnant with me:o)
i didn't get sick either. women react differently to pregnancy! the sore boobs is what tipped me off about pregnancy good luck!!!
You dont have to have the nausea or morning sickness to be its possible....and it would be too early to get that anyway for the most part. If you are late...its a possibility...but it could be the stress too...there really is no way to tell for certain, but its a definate possibility...hopefully you can get out to get a test sometime so you will know for sure. Good luck!
The discharge may actually indicate a yeast infection. I never had morning sickness with my two kids. But like you said you are stressed out so you might just be unconsciously making yourself ill from worry. If you do not start your cylce soon I would really try to find a way to get to the doctor or at least get a pregnancy test.
yes I didn't have any morning sickness when I was pregnant.
You don't have to be nauseous to be pregnant.
I never had morning sickness and I'm having a boy!
Goodluck of finding out if you are pregnant x
hi!! well ur late period could be caused by stress BUT all those symptoms u named definitely sound like pregnancy symptoms...I never had any sickness (except I would get a little nauseated when I brushed my teeth) but that wasn't until I was about 10-14weeks pregnant. I am now 22 weeks pregnant and haven't thrown up once due to morning sickness. Maybe u could make a Dr. apt. and have a friend or family member drive u? not sure what ur situation is but I hope u get to find out soon. Keep us posted!!
good luck and congrats if u are!!
that sounded just like my pregnancy. my niples hurt .my stomach hurt.NO sickness....sounds like you are.
im 7 weeks pregnant, just because you dont feel sick, doesnt mean you arent pregnant. i didnt feel sick till a few days ago, and it happens at random times, mostly every other day for me, every woman is different if you are pregnant enjoy not being sick,cause when you do get sick its no fun
good luck and baby dust!
Yes its possible.. its called being lucky! I had it for 4 months straight.. And still get it every now and then at 32 weeks...
Schedule a doctors appointment and see whats going on.
Good Luck!
take a hpt.
You could absolutely be pregnant. I know how hard it is - but don't get too carried away hoping for it - it's such a let down if you aren't. Hope you are preggers!
Yes, I don't have morning sickness at all. You should take a pregnancy test.
I've had four children and only once had mild nausea.
Of course you could be pregnant if you've had unprotected sex.
Get thee to the drugstore and pick up a home pregnancy test, most can detect by the day you expected your period.
Good Luck!
YES. I was never nauseous when I was pregnant. As a matter of fact, I would've barely even known I was pregnant if I hadn't taken a test. I had practically no symptoms (until my stomach started growing at 3 or 4 months)
yes, i had no morning sickness at all. Just had the tender boobs, cramping, gas, bloated and very tired.
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