i'm a high school student in a developing country (dont wanna name names) and I'm increasingly stressed about school and things in general.
I totally hate my school because it's so not up to my expectations (in academics, facilities, the toilets, everything) and looking at those wonderful schools in developed countries, especially all those opportunities the students have there, made me feel jealous and even more stressed.
I really want to know if I have a mental disorder with not being grateful of what I have, of feeling that I should be somewhere more decent...because this is getting serious.
Mental disorder in a developing country?opera score
I know aloa people who have add being myse;f but depends what kinda mental disorder your talkin bout
Mental disorder in a developing country?musicals opera theater
high intelligence is not a mental disorder....use this intelligence to further your education above high school
Jealousy can be perfectly normal. If you're feeling depressed or anxious, you may want to seek medical advice. Depression and anxiety are both highly treatable. If you find your current situation unbearable, you may want to take some time away from that situation.
You seem to have picked up a lot of "Americanisms" in your writing, so I'm guessing your idea of the "wonderful" schools in developed countries come from movies rather than newspapers.
This is not a criticism; what I'm getting at is that I don't think things are as wonderful elsewhere as you believe. When I was a teenager (in Australia) there was a series of books I read which had me convinced that if I went to school in America everything would be fabulous. My talents would be recognised, the teachers would be supportive and open up incredible opportunities, social acceptance was guaranteed if I stuck to my principles and remembered to "be myself." The truth is I would no doubt have been just as miserable there as where I was, or indeed anywhere else.
What others have said is true, very little "real" education comes from formal schooling, no matter how hi-tech the campus or how many letters the teaching staff have after their names. You obviously have access to the Internet, which can be an incredibly powerful tool for the acquisition of all kinds of knowledge. And you are also obviously intelligent enough to be able to sift through the rubbish and get to some of the good stuff. What you need is the discipline to study and not spend all your time in places like Y!A, but obviously I don't know how to get that or I wouldn't be here either...not that there isn't room for letting your hair down a bit too...
So certainly try to be grateful for what you have - not only materially but your inner resources too - and take whatever you can from what your school does have to offer. It just may be that the lessons you learn there are less about the 3Rs and more about people than you're expecting.
You dont have a mental disorder. Your best bet to learn outside of school if you cant transfer, meaning the internet or library, if you have one in your country. Never let your surroundings prevent you from learning. Easier said than done, I know. Im an african american, and my people fall victim to this everyday or more less use it as an excuse.
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