Saturday, December 5, 2009

I feel like i cant do this..?

I am 4 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I really wanted this baby and I know the physical ailments that came along with pregnancy. Now that I am experiencing pregnancy, I feel overwhelmed. I'm a very bad hypochondriac and always have been. I was on medication for it and in therapy. It is VERY debilitating. I already feel so tired, nauseous, and I'm petrified of getting actual vomiting. I also have emetophobia which is an intense fear of vomiting. I'm so stressed out and I don't know what to do. I'm petrified of everything that lies ahead of me. Was anyone else here like this? If so, how do you cope?

I feel like i cant do this..?playhouse

Before I got pregnant I was a huge hypochondriac and thru pregnancy I learned not to be. So many things happen to you that don't have an explanation but you find that they are all normal. Just relax and enjoy and get some sleep now!

I feel like i cant do this..?plays opera theater

Pregnancy is hard. Physically and emotionally. The best thing you can do for you and the baby is relax. You are at your greatest risk for miscarriage in the first 12 weeks. And stress is not going to help you any. You really need to find a way to take your mind off of the bad, just think of all of the positive things. ANd maybe you can find or start an online support group for pg gals who also suffer from the same things you do. good luck!
Oh, dear. Was this pregnancy planned? I wonder if your doctors can help you through sounds like you have your plate full here with emotions and medical ailments. Most important thing here is your child growing inside of need to pull yourself together and take charge of your life and body...I wish you all the best....sorry I could not offer more...
Feeling overwhelmed is common during pregnancy. Your hormones are going nuts. However (and don't stress out more but) being really stressed out is not good for your baby. Try some relaxation techniques to help you calm down. Try meditating or running a nice bubble bath or having a relaxing image that you can think of each time you start to feel too stressed out. Don't worry about vomiting. During my first trimester I threw up literally every other day. I always felt horrible before I threw up and I didn't want to throw up, but I found that afterwards I felt so much better that there came a point where I would decide to throw up just to feel better afterwards. My dad was really bothered by the fact that I could throw up and then claim to feel great. As long as you are eating well and taking your prenatal vitamin, don't worry about what stays down or not.
It's totally normal to be overwhelmed. I'm in the same place as you right now,.. and i have been through it once before. I don't ever remember being this scared the first time around. I'm 10 weeks now, and feel considerably better than i did when i was 5 and 6 weeks,.. as the time goes on, the fear dies down a bit.

Of course, there is always soemthing coming up to make me worry or stress, and i watch pregnancy/birth shows on TV and get HORRIFIED at what might or might not lay ahead,.. and i freak out.

The best you can do is try to distract yourself, and don't let your mind race. There are pro's and con's as to whether certain medications are safe during pregnancy, but talk to your doctor, because he/she IS familiar with this, and will be able to help you for sure, they will have some solutions directed specifically at you.

Please keep an eye on it though. If your sadness or fear and anxiety really becomes too much to handle, it is NOT good for your growing baby. I heard recently that post-partum depression can often start DURING pregnancy,.. it can be treated and you CAN feel better!!

GooD LucK!!! :)
just breathe. relax. find a day where you can not think about the pregnancy and do something you want to do. its a rough road ahead but youll get through it. your bringing a beautiful baby into this world who is going to love you very much....that itself makes it worth it.
Yeah, it's normal to have excessive fears when you first become pregnant, even when the pregnancy was planned. I also had huge fears of vomiting, to the point I would not let myself throw up, no matter how sick I was. An extreme case of hyperemesis got me over that really fast. Hopefully that won't happen to you, though. :)

You need to find a way that works for you to not be so stressed out, as I'm sure you've heard stress can be very harmful during a pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about your fears, and also a therapist. They can possible give you something for anxiety. Good luck.
three words of wisdom DEAL WITH IT! Don't you want the BABY
Just relax sweetie, it's going to be alright. You will be ok. In a month or so once your body is a little more stable you will feel like yourself again!! Just breathe:) Congrats!!
Yes. My husband and I planned this out and I've been wanting it. Then it happened ... then I got scared ... now I'm 9 weeks and the doctor I finally saw was wonderful, my husband and I bought a stroller for cheap off of Craigslist, we're changing the house around ... now I'm excited again!

Also, I told people I was pregnant at 5 weeks of pregnancy ... they have all helped me to be really excited!
Just take a deep breath. Talk to your OBGYN and they will help you get through this!!!! Best of luck and Congrats....
I think that everyone a little nervous about their first pegnancy. The best thing is to try not to worry, it only makes things worse. I was really nauseous during my pregnancy but rarely vomited. Not everyone vomits, so don't worry about it unless it happens. If you're seeing a therapist, continue to see one and talk to them about your worries. Just keep the end goal in mind, the baby. It gets much better after the first trimester. Most people's sickness goes away, they aren't tired anymore, and they actually feel pretty good. So just take it a day at a time and you'll be fine. Remember that millions of women have done it. Good luck!
Welcome to the world of hormones gone bad... I hoenstly think this is my last child. This is my second pregnancy and I think I will adopt the rest (honestly!). My hormones went wacky and I was not myself at all.... YOU will get through it... IT WILL be worth it.... just hang in there... this to will pass.. this too will pass...
I'm so sorry your having a hard time. I do not want to scare you but, babys throw up and so do kids. Take it one hour at a time. You will be fine, its normal to be anxous. Mood swings and emotional times are strenuous. take it easy

Be happy, ur gonna be a mommy
I am quite emetophobic as well. I am 38 weeks pregnant and though I experienced some nausea, I never actually threw up. Ask your doctor...there are anti-vomiting medications that are safe during pregnancy. The stress that your phobia will cause you would probably be more harmful to you than any of the anti-nausea medications, most of which are class B drugs (safe for pregnancy). Even if you don't end up taking one, just having it in your purse or in the medicine cabinet and knowing it's there should help you with your anxiety. You'll be fine.
get a prescription for Zofram

schedule a sonogram ASAP and ask for the doppler at every OB visit - seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat has a way of making all the symptoms not matter so much.

Get LOTS Of rest and water.

You are in first trimester - second trimester is MUCH better. You will stop feeling nauseated and get more energy. What yu feel now is perfectly normal.
i AM A hypochondriac too! than god i thought i was the only one in the world, i always feel something is going wrong and every pain i am scared i am dieing or have something seriously wrong when really i am just pregnant, just relax baby. please relax otherwise u will put urself at risk off losing ur baby.
I was fearful too- but what I did was talk to myself and said- this is nothing new and I am not the first person to go thru this. Women have been having babies for centuries.

Then before I got out of bed or even raised my head- I would eat crackers. I only threw up once with each pregnancy. No big deal.

I did not think I could have a baby naturally- so my mind was already around having a c section. I had four of them.
well, to keep from getting morning sickness, try drinking ginger ale, eating something like crackers BEFORE YOU GET OUT OF BED. i'm talking about laying in bed and having a snack when you wake up. i learned this system halfway through my pregnancy but i wish i would have known ahead of time.

also, i hear that sea bands work. they are bracelets that keep you from getting sea sick or motion sickness.

apparently they work pretty well for morning sickess.

anyway, maybe if you take these precautions, you won't have to worry AS much.

although you are on medication for this and everything...

i just wish you tons of luck and congratulations!

everything will work out.


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