Saturday, December 5, 2009

Late period???????????/?

27 yrs old...last period aug 25, had sex sep 15, but period never came in september.. i used condoms...but am still late and scared to death...i'm not ready for a i'm trying to find a better job with my degree...i'm not stressed, depressed, or on the pill and i'm not under or why am i late... help?????????/

Late period???????????/?performing shows

take a pregnancy test! it doesn't sound like you are pregnant .. your only a couple of days late and you used a condom if it still don't come see your doctor.

Late period???????????/?say yes opera theater

You could be pregnant.

So, take a test. If you are pregnant and you're not ready for a baby...look into your options.

Or, your period could just be irreregular.
are you irregular? by that i meant, your menstrual period? it sometimes happens, you're period's late but it doesn't mean that you're pregnant. if you really want to be totally sure about it, go ahead and buy a pregnancy test kit...
You could just be off cycle or pregnant.

It is very common to go off cycle.

I use to teach a class to kids in Juv Hall in sex ed. I would ask them if they can see a microscopic sperm with the naked eye.

They would answer no.

Then I would ask, then why do you think there could not be a microscopic hole in the condom for the sperm to get thru?

Their answer was, duhhhhhh, with the jaws dropped.

The best way to prevent a baby or STD is to not have sex till marriage.
If you aren't on the pill then your periods will come when they come, take a test just to be sure, the more you stress on it and worry your body won't respond and your period won't come.
was the condom in tact when he took it off ??? i would do a test just to make sure but u could just be late and worring about ya period been late will make it even later
you may have missed your period due to stress or weight loss/gain. id get it checked out though.
Congratulations - you're pregnant! You may feel quite shocked right now, but at 27 - now may be the right time for you to start your family. I hope you have a big, bouncy, healthy baby!
because your pregnant, thats what happens when you play with god!

No only kidding, relax and wait for a couple weeks, you should or would feel some signs and symptoms.

Get a couple of pregnancy tests and test it out. Do not panic, it is very soon since September 15th.
If the period has always been on time, and your lifestyle hasn't changed since September 15th, I'd buy a pregnancy test.

But, if you started eating differently, working out more or less then usual, getting up earlier or going to sleep later; all these could be signs of lifestyle change and the date of your period may shift or not come that month.

Hope this helps.
Condoms are not 100% take a home preg. test....NOW.
You are late but not that late. If you don't have your period within 7 days, take a HPT.

Good luck.
There is NO WAY anyone can provide the level of help you really need using any Internet forum. You need to contact your physician and waiting will offer you no help.

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