Saturday, December 5, 2009

Confidence problems?

i'm kinda stressed..

when i do something i don't try and then do but don't get it done.. i feel like i'm a loser

and when i'm doing it ppl try to get me down but i encourage myself to do it.. i feel like im just pileing up my faluire then after i would feel like a big faluire i don't know much but that i'm really bummed what should i do??

Confidence problems?globe theater

If you don't finish a project then maybe it wasn't for you.

Really, just keep working at whatever you do.

People in this life need what is called a "coach.” Everyone has one, if you don’t you need to find someone that is interested in you. These people basically say, “Hey, you can do it. Great job. Keep going.” They also help you if you get stuck… If this was at school I’d say got to the teacher. They want to see you succeed. Even if they put you down. You might look as though YOUR not showing effort. The way you show effort is by facing them and say, “I NEED HELP WITH THIS.”

If you are in life by yourself and have no family or supportive friends then it’s ALL up to you. Be positive about what you do.

The reason you have STOPPED trying is because you know you will not finish.

What I would suggest is get a PUZZLE. 100 pieces, FINISH IT!!! Glue it together then keep it. It is your VERY FIRST ACCOMPLISHMENT

Do a few more 100 piece puzzles then work up to 200, 300, 500, 800… And so on…

It will take time. But FINISH EACH ONE. If a piece gets lost. THAT wasn’t your fault. Call it completed…….

Confidence problems?oper opera theater

You gotta get burned a couple of times to be a fire handler
Hmmm, well honestly you said you encourage yourself to do something which shows great confidence, but another thing need to start something you Will enjoy be actively involved in it start till finish, no matter how hard or annoying it gets. Do small at first like reading a large book, then move onto sports, or hobbies or things of that nature. Don't jump into something big all at once its not a dive and swim world. For me the biggest confidence builder in my life would have to be basketball, but the beauty pageants and modeling added too it along with dance. If you enjoy something shoot for the stars and push yourself to finish what you set out to do. If you set out to climb a mountain but it looks too high, take a deep breath and say "I said I was going to do this and I will." Hope this helps! Mia
this is a period of your life!!!

i think most of the people are in the same S. for some days/months/ years!

you`ll be fine!
Aim low.. aim as low as possible. Then if you fail, it won't be so far to fall.

Or you can wise up, shut up. Do it, or don't do it. Don't give a rats *** about what others think and do what you want to do.

The biggest failures in life are those who fail themselves, for the sake of impressing others.
Honestly, what you need to do is to set your mind to do it. If you dont and make up an excuse it will just keep piling up like you said.

You feel like a loser and have friends that bring you down. This is gonna sound harsh but you have to ditch those friends.

You arent going to go far if you let them influence you the way they are doing now but if you wont ditch them theres always an alternative of not telling them what you are doing and than just do it.

But its your choice and your way way of life just hope that this helps.
Never give up. If u want some inspiration, read the manga 'Naruto', it was my inspiration

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