My last period was the second week in July. I had unprotected sex the first weekend in August, and was supposed to get my period right around that same time. It never came. I'm due for my next period at the very end of Aug, beginning of September, and usually I feel really icky a week or so before i get my period, but i feel nothing. I took two pt's and everything comes back negative. Is it too early to tell if I'm pregnant? I'm not stressed or anything, no more than usual. I have two children already, a 3 yr old and an almost 2 year old. I didn't know I was pregnant for them until around 10 weeks. Could I still be pregnant even though the tests are coming back negative right now? I feel different, but I'm really not sure if that's my imagination hard at work, or if I'm really experiencing the things I am, such as feeling queasy (at night right before bed). I could really use some guidance or someone's personal experience...
Don't know when my period was supposed to come, Had unprotected sex, could I be pregnant?getting late
Try to think back...did ya'll do something special the last time you had your period...a BBQ, a party, a romantic dinner? If so, try to remember what date it was and count from there.
If you believe your last period was at the beginning of July and you are on a 28-day cycle, it could be possible that you are pregnant. It is best to wait up to 2 weeks after a missed period to take a pregnancy test, there will be more hormones the test could detect.
Too, you can go to your OB/GYN and have him see if there is a rise in your beta quantitative HCG; the higher the number, the more likely you are pregnant, this can be detected even if you are about 6-8 weeks along.
Good luck.
Don't know when my period was supposed to come, Had unprotected sex, could I be pregnant?regal theater opera theater
Go buy a pregnancy test and see. We can't tell you if you are pregnant or not were not psychic.
If you had unprotected sex, then yes, you run the risk of being pregnant. If you don't want kids, use a condom.
If you already have children then you know how babies are made... Unprotected Sex=Pregnant.
My experience (via my wife) is that those tests are pretty accurate. If you're getting negatives, that probably means you aren't pregnant.
there is a possiblity of pregnancy. You could always go to the doctor and have him do a blood test unstead of urine.
You could be pregnant, but if you have had a lot of stress lately, that could also affect your period. I would wait a few more days, take another test, and then go to the doctor if it still shows negative...
give it a few weeks some times our body's get a little off course and depending on your age it could be the beginnings of menopause though it doesn't sound that way. try another test in a few weeks. best wishes
I鈥瞕 say in my experience, if you have a little pinkish discharge it鈥瞫 implantation bleeding, if you then notice brown spotting or like a brown discharge, you can be preg. Some time ago I thought I was preg I was completely sure I did a test and it was negative I relaxed and my period came later, I was just estressed. The only sympthoms I think are very reliable to know you鈥瞨e preg, are the ones I鈥瞯e told you. Other sympthoms may be mistaken and confused with PMS.
Good luck! ;D
go buy a test and see
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