Saturday, December 5, 2009

Could I be pregnant?

I'm always on time on my period. I know because I write it on my calendar and I know it's every thirty days. On November my period was on the 27th, December on the 27th, and this month it's sapposed to be on the 26th because December has 31 days. I took a e.p.t pregnancy test this morning on the 28th and it reads that I'm not pregnant. Today is my third day late so do I have to wait longer? The e.p.t instructions states that it may come out negtive if the woman pregnant does not have detectable amounts of pregnancy hormone in their urine. Should I just wait a couple of more days to test again? Could there be something else wrong with me that it may cause me to miss my period? I'm not stressed at all, I'm eating like crazy these couple of days, and I'm just feeling great.

Could I be pregnant?home theater system

You could just be late, but if you are pregnant your hcg levels may be to low to register. Always try a first response pregnancy test, it doesn't require as high levels of hcg to give an accurate result. The other hpt's require more hcg and thats why I recommend first response...

Good luck

Could I be pregnant?the grand theater opera theater
stress can cause you to miss it but if you take another one wait 3 days and do it first thing in the morning if the hormonr is there it will be stronger in the am
wait a few more days and if you're still late, do another test
somtimes periods just come late, it dont matter if you are stressed or not. i would wait a couple days then test again, good luck
Hey...Me Too!! I was due for my period on the 25th and have always been regular. I'm now 3 days late and have taken 2 tests and both negative. Let me know how you make out.
Wait a few days to take the test again.. Seldomly are E.P.T wrong. If you are still unsure or need more proof. Go see your obgyn and have them do a urine and blood test. You will get the results back the same day. Good Luck
Wait a few days then do a test with first morning unrine.

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