Saturday, December 5, 2009


i just recently went to a clinic to get a pap smear done. my last period was in april. and the doctor gave me some pills to help me get a period.

i don't know if i should start taking birth control, but when i don't take it my periods are really irregular and i'll go 3-4 months without one.

the doctor was really rude and didn't really answer any of my questions he was blank and did the pap smear and gave me the prescription and that was it. i waited 3 hours and the exam was only 10 minutes maybe less.

i'm really stressed and i know that might be a reason why i haven't conceived or gotten a period.

i'm still on the prenatal vitamins.

i just need some advice!! some answers....

or suggestions.

i need to stop stressing but i can't help it!!!!

thank you!


Sounds to me like the best bet for you would be to change doctors! If your doc won't answer any of your questions then it is time to change. Imagine how it would be if you did get pregnant and your patient services continued the way they currently are?!

If you are trying to conceive, then the pill is not the answer- a good doctor would have told you that. If you have a very irregular menstrual cycle, then conceiving may be more difficult unfortunately- though not impossible!

Definitely find a new doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ask a few friends who they go to, and go from there. I had a few friends that were trying to conceive and just the simple action of switching doctors with better info for them helped them to conceive. Best of luck!

Question...?headache opera theater

Get a second opinion. I don't think it sounds right to take pills unless its absolutely necessary. This is your body and I think its important you understand what is wrong. If you are worried visit another doctor who will take care and time to answer your questions.

All the best
just take the pills he gave you and you will have a baby when the time is right
try to get pregnant have sex every night then valla problem solved then go at sex harder get his penis in further then also leave it in longer
Why would you start taking birth control if you are trying to concieve?
I'm confused...did you tell the Dr. you were trying to conceive? I don't think getting on birth control would be the right answer if you're trying to get pregnant. You should definitely see a different Dr. Get a second opinion. Good luck.
There are many good Doctors out there, you just have to run into a bad one; you need to tell this bad experience and the name of this bad doctor to as many friends as possible.

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